租客提前退租,房东有哪些权利?千挑万选买房,严格甄选租客,兢兢业业打理租务,希望安安稳稳地收租养房,换得一份投资收益,这是大多数房东的写照。 经过许多的历练,房东知道要与租客签个租约,来保障自己的业务稳定。无论是通过地产经纪挂牌出租,还是自己找租客,大凡房东都希望租客能签个长期的租约,求个安稳,也能省去不少的管理成本。 但是,出租物业也像任何其他的生意一样,存在着许多不可预见的变化和可能,也就是经营风险。 在诸多的风险中,本文主要谈谈因租客提前退租,而使房东发生物业空置的这种风险。这种风险时有发生,而且不在少数。所以有必要做个讨论,以了解法律是如果规定租客退租的,并且知道一旦发生提前退租,房东将经历怎样的过程,如何保护自己,如何将风险带来的损害降低到最小的程度。 【案例】房东买了一个康都(Condo),做为投资物业,出租给一个租客,租期为一年,一月一日,租客准时入住。五月中旬,租客通知房东,因为不可预料的原因,要求在五月三十一日结束租约。 如下是分析: 一、事实:租约中尚有六、七、八、九、十、十一、十二月,共计七个月,没有完成。 二、民租法的规定:房东可以要求,同时,租客也有完全的义务,找一个人来接替该租客住满后七个月,这叫做“租客的转租义务”。转租过程中,房东不可无理拒绝转租,否则租客有权单方终止租约(另有较为复杂的条款,将在以后单设专题讨论)。 三、民租法的指引:如果租客没能成功转租,导致房东物业空置,房东有权向租客索赔从空置开始,到租期结束的全部租金损失。但是房东必须证明这种损失真实存在。特别地,要证明即使房东进行了“尽力避免风险”(Mitigating),也不可避免地产生了损失。 四、“尽力避免风险”(Mitigating):指的是房东在租客尽力转租的同时,也在自己尽力寻找新的租客,并有可靠的证据证明这些努力,比如挂牌、推广、与潜在租客的沟通、潜在租客的看房人次等等,但均无结果。 五、研究:经过许多研究,即使第88条给出了指引,但是我没有发现民租法和房东房客管理局规定了任何通知表格,或者指出了任何申请途径,从而使房东凭借民租法在本局进行申诉,进而提出索赔。这点令我困惑。 六、初步的结论:房东只能在小额法庭进行诉讼(我们暂且断定房东的受损额在两万五千元以下– 这是小额法庭的诉讼限额,超过限额时,除非原告房东放弃超出部分,则应在高等法院诉讼)。同时,我也愿意指出,小额法庭的法官往往对来自房东与租客的纠纷,认定小额法庭或高等法院并无管辖权,而房东房客管理局有完全的司法权限。比如,资深小额法庭的法官Sebastian Winny曾说,一些案件可能会比较蹊跷,主审法官在这个问题上也往往有不同的意见(This analysis in some cases can betricky and there are differences of opinion amount the deputy judges on someaspects of this subject)。(2017年5月27日,Sebastian Winny的安省法律顾问培训课程,题目Best Practices For Small Claims Court) 七、援引先前判例:Fraser v. Beach (2005), 75 O.R. (3d) 383 (C.A.); Efrach v. Cherishome Living, [2015] O.J.No. 293 (Div. Ct.); Spirleanu v.Transglobe Property Management Service Ltd., [2015] O.J. No. 1336 (C.A.) – 这是新近几个对民事法庭是否有对民用租务纠纷具有司法管辖权的标杆性的判例。结论都是认为房东房客管理局应对民租纠纷具有唯一司法管辖权。 如上的讨论可以简单地表达为, 一、当租客提前解约时,房东有权向租客索赔其未完成月的那些租金; 二、但是房东要证明,因为租客的提前解约而导致空置,并且实施合理避免后,损失仍然存在; 三、诉讼应在小额法庭进行,诉讼过程不容易,结果难以预料。 更要指出的是,一旦租客在房东起诉前就搬离出租屋,房东还面临着寻找此租客新住址,以便送达起诉书的挑战。至于送达到原租客的工作单位、或其他地址是否有效,应参见“安省小额法庭诉讼规则”。 一个需要澄清的困惑:只要提前六十天通知,租客就可以随意搬家。是吗? 回答是不一定。 有不少人认为,只要租客提前六十天提出通知,租客就可以免责。这个说法很不完全,即使租约有此约定,也是无效的条款。所谓“提前六十天通知”,是指提前租约中约定了的租期的最后一天之前的最少六十天。 按上面这个案例,租约规定了租期为一年,租客应在十月三十一日之前(十月三十一日是租期最后一天之前的六十天),通知房东说,十二月三十一日是最后一天,过后就不租了。租客这样做是最妥当的,我建议,此时房东应与房客签一个协议书,以确立十二月三十一日解约搬出的约定。这样一来,房东就获得了充足的招租时间,以免空置的发生。 那么,如果十月三十一日或之后,租客并未提出搬家,那么应该认为租客继续租住。从十月三十一日往后,一旦租客提出解约搬家,那么搬家日应该是提出解约后的至少六十天,而且最后一天是租用月的最后一天。比如,租客在十一月十五日提出,那么租客的搬出日应为转年的一月三十一日。为什么不是一月十五日呢?因为租约中规定的租用月的尾日是月底的那一天,所以应该是一月三十一日。如果租客仍然在十二月三十一日(或之前)搬出,租客实际上是违约的,因为通知期未满六十天。于是,房东有权诉讼损失,但是正如前文所说,房东必须证明损失的存在。 再有一种情形,按民租法的规定,当为期一年的租约完成后,房东与租客之间自动形成以月为单位的月租约,毋需任何新约。那么,租客一旦提出搬家,搬家日应是提出日之后的至少六十天,而且最后一天是租用月的最后一天。仍以本案为例,如租客在来年的三月七日提出搬家,那么他的搬家日不应早于五月三十一日,原因同上。如果租客仍然在五月三十一日搬出,租客违约,因为未满六十天。房东有权诉讼损失,同样地,房东必须证明损失的存在。 民租法第八十八条: Arrears of rent when tenant abandons or vacates without notice 88 (1) If a tenant abandons or vacates a rental unit without giving notice of termination in accordance with this Act and no agreement to terminate has been made or the landlord has not given notice to terminate the tenancy, a determination of the amount of arrears of rent owing by the tenant shall be made in accordance with the following rules: 1. If the tenant vacated the rental unit after giving notice that was not in accordance with this Act, arrears of rent are owing for the period that ends on the earliest termination date that could have been specified in the notice, had the notice been given in accordance with section 47, 96 or 145, as the case may be. 2. If the tenant abandoned or vacated the rental unit without giving any notice, arrears of rent are owing for the period that ends on the earliest termination date that could have been specified in a notice of termination had the tenant, on the date that the landlord knew or ought to have known that the tenant had abandoned or vacated the rental unit, given notice of termination in accordance with section 47, 96 or 145, as the case may be. 2006, c. 17, s. 88 (1). Where landlord has given notice under s. 48, 49 or 50 (2) If a notice of termination has been given by the landlord under section 48, 49 or 50 and the tenant vacates the rental unit before the termination date set out in the notice without giving a notice of earlier termination or after giving a notice of earlier termination that is not in accordance with subsection 48 (3), 49 (4) or 50 (4), as the case may be, a determination of the amount of arrears of rent owing by the tenant shall be made as if arrears of rent are owing for the period that ends on the earlier of the following dates: 1. The date that is 10 days after, i. the date the tenant gave notice of earlier termination, if the tenant vacated the rental unit after giving a notice of earlier termination that was not in accordance with subsection 48 (3), 49 (4) or 50 (4), as the case may be, or ii. the date the landlord knew or ought to have known that the tenant had vacated the rental unit, if the tenantvacated the rental unit without giving a notice of earlier termination. 2. The termination date set out in the landlord’s notice of termination. 2006, c. 17, s. 88 (2). New tenancy (3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), if the landlord enters into a new tenancy agreement with a new tenant with respect to the rental unit, the tenant who abandoned or vacated the rental unit is not liable to pay an amount of arrears of rent that exceeds the lesser of the following amounts: 1. The amount of arrears of rent determined under subsection (1) or (2). 2. The amount of arrears of rent owing for the period that ends on the date the new tenant is entitled to occupy the rental unit. 2006, c. 17, s. 88 (3). Minimization of losses (4) In determining the amount of arrears of rent owing under subsections (1), (2) and (3), consideration shall be given to whether or not the landlord has taken reasonable steps to minimize losses in accordance with section 16. 2006, c. 17, s. 88 (4). 综上所述,退租常见如下几种情形:
附一:大多区小额法庭地址 多伦多 47 SheppardAve. East, Toronto ON M2N 5N1 416-326-3554 约克区 50 EagleSt. W. Newmarket ON L3Y 6B1 905-853-4809 皮尔郡 7765Hurontario Street, Brampton ON L6W 4T1 905-456-4700 附二:安省小额法庭诉讼规则网址 https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/980258 附三:安省小额法庭诉讼指南 https://www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/courts/guides/ 【本文仅对民租法的有关条款进行浅表的讨论,如有个案,请向法律专业人士咨询。本文不是我的法律意见】 |